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Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Resolutions that are Worth Permanent Adoption

I posted this on my sister website, for 2010 and it is worth reposting. Hope you enjoy!
Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year! Being a new year, we all make resolutions to do things differently than we did last year. I would encourage you to avoid putting the following foods/non-foods in your mouth and your body this year. By being diligent and making your own food, not only will your health benefit, but so will your pocket book.

Maintaining or regaining your health is priceless. And really we should have started yesterday, next time, don't wait until the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, start right away. Successful people don't wait to start.

Also, if you indulge, don't beat yourself up, make sure your next meal is a healthy one, it will help make up for a bad meal.

1. Cancer sticks, also known as french fries. I must confess I love french fries! I haven't always, but lately they seemed to call my name. Smash Burger has Smash Fries, greasy and dotted with yummy rosemary seasoning. This is a food drenched in inflammatory, usually hydrogenated or trans fatty oils (usually rancid oils), stripped of its nutrients and unfortunately turns to sugar when it is consumed by our bodies. The only "benefit" is some satiation of emotional discomfort. The feeling of I need my fries is temporarily relieved when consumed, but I tend to suffer later because I ate them. So I and you should avoid these, occasional consumption is not the end of the world. Avoid all fried items, drop the doughnut!

2. MSG also known as: monosodium glutamate, autolyzed yeast extract, so called natural flavorings, sodium caseinate, plant protein, glutamate, glutamic acid and many other disguised names. MSG is an excitotoxin. It works by exciting your taste buds making food taste qualities more distinct. There is a food chain that has a tortilla soup that I find myself craving. They will not disclose all of the ingredients making me think that MSG is the culprit that intensifies the taste and makes me want the product more. In exciting our taste buds, Dr Russell Blaylock, a neurologist has written a book that discusses the neurotoxicity of MSG and aspartame. The neurons in our brain are our nervous system's building blocks. MSG and its twisted cousin, aspartame/Nutrasweet are excitotoxins which lead to weight gain and neuron death. They are excited to death, literally.

Nutrasweet, aspartame are in the same boat here. If you have a choice between white sugar and aspartame, choose the white sugar. People tend to crave carbohydrates more while taking these substances, leading to more weight. Drop the Flaming Hot Cheetos!

3. Cold cereals are glorified junk food. I know they tout lots of fiber, but even organic ones are loaded with sugars. Taking bleached or unbleached refined grains or whole grains and heating them to high temperatures so they can be extruded into shapes like nuggets, rings, whatever does not make a health food. Here is a great article on this subject as well as grains in general.

4. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) or Agave, fructose syrup, should be avoided at all costs. Again, the occasional pop or Gatorade is not the end of the world, but like gluten, this product is in almost every processed food. Last year studies confirmed that mercury was found in some HFCS samples. That is disturbing as we are exposed to many environmental and food toxins as is. These fructose syrups are metabolized by the liver, not the digestive tract and can cause non-alcoholic liver disease which can lead to cirrhosis. It also causes diabetes, obesity and high triglycerides (blood fats). You don't need this. If you are hooked on soda, quit.

5. Unfermented soy 'food' products. Tofu is fine in moderation, but is not a health food. Soy milk is a highly processed food. Soy oil and lecithin is found in many foods and as typical American fashion we tend to over do anything that we think is good for us. Over 2/3rds of soy crops grown in US are genetically modified (GMO). The Japanese do consume tofu but mainly fermented soy products such as miso, fermented soy beans and soy sauce (keep yours gluten free). They also use soy to round out their meal, not as a replacement, similar to a condiments.

6. Sugar, is the white Satan and yes, you should avoid sugar. What is considered sugar? Many of the wonderful gluten free bloggers suggest their recipes are sugar free because they are using agave nectar or honey. But these are sugars, different types, but have the effects of sugar even if it is supposedly low glycemic. In the case of agave, it is worrisome because it has the same effects on health as HFCS. Honey has some beneficial properties that are medicinal as well as containing nutrients and minerals. It is also a sugar though and should be used sparingly.

Ultimately, we as a nation need to deal with our extreme addiction to sugar. Don't forget about natural sugars. Fruits are (contain levulose) good, juice should be avoided. Blending a whole fruit is preferable as the fiber and nutrients stay with the fruit as opposed to separation that occurs with juicing. People with difficulty regulating their blood sugar should avoid juicing fruit. Dried fruits are very concentrated in natural sugar and should also be avoided. Carbohydrates do add up over the course of day. This means absolutely no pop!! Special message to my wonderful, Mountain Dew loving husband! The Dew is green, but not made by God.

Special note: Splenda shouldn't be consumed by anyone. Long term effects remain to be seen and it isn't wise to eat something that your body supposedly doesn't recognize. Sweet N Low, aspartame, Equal are all bad for you. Stevia is a good choice for liquids that need sweetening such as coffee, tea, hot chocolate or salad dressing. Sugar alcohol substitutes like Xylitol are highly processed but can be used for baking.

6. Since this is a GF blog, we all avoid white flour. But what about GF white substitutes? Tapioca, arrowroot, corn and potato starches, rice flours, and sorghum have their fair share of carbs. So be mindful of your consumption or your pants may get quite tight! And, you can continue to increase inflammation.

7. Microwave popcorn (microwaving in general is not wise as it destroys the nutrients in your meal) is a chemically laden food and shouldn't be produced must less consumed by anyone. If you want popcorn get a kettle popper hand cranked or electric, use organic, not GMO corn and coconut oil.

8. Canned foods tend to have liners made from plastic, Bisphenol A, a toxic compound. This chemical is known to be a xenoestrogen. It has implications for cancer, miscarriage and immune dysfunction.

9. Liquid meals in cans/cartons such as weight loss shakes, Ensure, etc. Read the label. Not only is there dairy products but a lot of sugar and synthetic vitamins. If you require liquid nutrition due to health concern or would like a liquid breakfast, stay tuned for next week, we will discuss a healthy, easy option to meet this need. Liquid meals tend to also be processed, lacking any fresh foods with live enzymes.

10. Protein bars are glorified candy bars. Protein bars are made by soy and whey waste products obtained from manufactures and are again loaded with HFCS or other sugars. Hydrogenated fats are also prevalent in these bars. If you can find raw food bars, they can be a good stand in, but may contain agave. If you want a bar to eat, try looking up recipes online and making your own. You can always make them in bulk and freeze them. Here is a yummy recipe from Dr Ben Kim. He has some wonderful GFCF and raw recipes.


This list should give you incentive to really think about what you put in your mouth and to make your own food. It will be kind to your body, your mind, your family, your pocketbook and your waist line.


  1. Hi--you mentioned using GF oats on my pancake recipe, I did note that one could use Bob's gluten free oats if you look at the ingredients. Things have changed over the years. They used to say they were ok. Then they said some were ok for some. Now I think some say don't risk it! on it stated this year: 03/14/2011 - It is still a matter of controversy whether or not oats are safe for people with celiac disease. The general consensus at this point seems to be that pure oats are safe for most, but not all, people with celiac. Since oats can easily be contaminated with wheat during harvest, storage, or other stages of processing, it has been stressed that the oats be certified as pure. Although the classic 33-amino acid long oligopeptide that acts as the immunogenic stimulus in gliadin had not yet been found in oats, other peptides isolated from oats do activate T-cells isolated from celiac patients. A new study performed in Spain by Isabel Comino et al. suggests that it is not that some celiac patients can’t tolerate all oats, but rather that all celiac patients can’t tolerate some oats. Their results are reported in the January 2011 issue of GUT: An International Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology."

    It gets frustrating when experts don't agree!

  2. You are right, it is frustrating. Only you can tell if you can handle it. Whatever symptoms you get when exposed to gluten would pop up and let you know it is not ok. Soaking oats over night can help with if it is a digestion problem. Gluten, dairy and most food intolerances/allergies are proteins. This means it is a protein digestion problem and sometimes additional stomach acid in the form of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and digestive enzymes are needed. Food preparation such as soaking can be quite beneficial as well.
